Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Saved by a Trach

I have so much to share but it is not within my power to write all that has occurred.  I have long known my vocal cords, swallowing and breathing risk were big issues with the autonomic failure of MSA.  On Jan. 3, 2020,  I had a breathing crisis and was rushed to the hospital. While there, I struggled until I was near the end.   Karrie helped inform the doctors and nurses of the type of disease I have and they saved my life.  I was under heavy sedation and on a ventilator for several days while the family didn’t know the shape I would be in even if brought back.

I applaud Karrie and the wonderful physicians at Parkview Community who  determined a tracheostomy inserted and a PEG feeding tube placed in my side into my stomach were my best chance of survival and preventing the same breathing crisis from recurring.  I am now in a rehab center full time with experts in learning to use a trach full time and gastric feeding (liquid  only) situation.  Family training is involved and my sons, wives and grandkids have all been so supportive. Thanks to all our closest family, friends and church who have sent love and prayers our way.

I am here by the grace of God, the miracle of science and dedicated medical professionals.  Thank you most sincerely.  Above all, I miss my sweetheart who visits me every single day.  We will go on  in mutual love and shared faith.  Karrie and I would not have pulled through thus far without our great, and I mean great sons, their wives and our grandkids.  We love you all.  Thanks to my brother Matt and wife Lillian for all the visits and caring, as well.   “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”— Philippians 4:13  Dan Brooks (patient-online)

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