Also, much has occurred since I WILL GO ON was written and published in 2009. I have had brain surgery with an extraordinary neurosurgeon, and a great new neurologist/movement disorder specialist at Loma Linda University. Most importantly, to write about how early this year (2020) I nearly died in the emergency room and was saved by the quick thinking of my wife, Karrie, and wonderful doctors and medical staff at Parkview Community Hospital. My experiences during my time in the hospital, and subsequently in the rehabilitation facility for 6 weeks, followed by the time of adjusting to a new normal at home as Karrie and I adapted to the tracheostomy and PEG tube feeding are stories crying out to be written.
“Farther On” is chosen grammatically speaking because “further” speaks of literal distance and “Farther” of metaphoric progress along a continuum. Farther On is the sequel to I Will Go On: Living with a Movement Disorder, and I hope to complete and publish it early in 2021.
More news about my writing progress to come. Thanks for reading. I will end with a relevant, and one of several favorite Scripture references. -- Dan
Philippians 3:13-14 "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Jesus Christ."