Dear Blog Readers-- I made an error and allowed my domain name to expire. I am happy to say that I have restored my domain and that my blog is once again up and running. It was only a matter of 9 days, so I think it may have gone unnoticed. There is a bit of a fee (like a "fine"), so that was frustrating.
Thanks for supporting my blog. I will be writing an entry and announcing it soon. I plan to talk a bit more about Corticobasal Syndrome and how it is that I have two rare Parkinson's Plus syndromes at the same time. No, on second thought, I won't be explaining that, exactly, but I will be posing that impossible question, "How is it that I have two degenerative brain syndromes?!" Hey, I am here and I am still singing and picking so we have much for which to be grateful! -- Patient-Online